AP Police Recruitment 2018: 3137 vacancies released; apply at slprb.ap.gov.in

NEW DELHI: Andhra Pradesh State Level Police Recruitment Board has invited applications for various posts in Police, Fire and other departments.

The interested and eligible candidates can apply online through the official website - slprb.ap.gov.in - by selecting "Submit Application" from the Website and can fill up their details.

AP Police Recruitment 2018: 3137 vacancies released; apply at slprb.ap.gov.in

Official advertisement

Important Dates

EventS.I., R.S.L, Station Fire Officer, Dy. JailorP.C., Warder and Firemen
Availability of online application5-11-2018 at 3 PM to 24-11-2018 at 5 PM12-11-2018 at 10 AM to
7-12-2018 at 5 PM
Date of Preliminary examination16-12-2018 (10 AM to 1 PM and 2.30 PM
to 5.30 PM)
6-1-2019 (10 AM to 1 PM)

According to the notification the APSLPRB is releasing the vacancies for SCT SIs (Civil) (Men & Women), SCT RSIs (AR) (Men & Women), SCT RSIs (APSP) (Men) in Police Department, Deputy Jailors (Men) & Deputy Jailors (Women) in Prisons and Correctional Services Department and Station Fire Officers (Men) in A.P. Fire & Emergency Services Dept.

Vacancy Details
S.I. (Civil)150
RSr (AR)75
Station Fire officer20
Dy. Jailor (Men.)10
Dy. Jailor (Women)4
Asst.Public Prosecutors50
PC (Civil)1600
RC (AR)300
PC (APSP)300
Warder (Male)100
Warder (Women)23
Driver operators30